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The symbol of the French Legerete,playing on its rounded forms and swaying tassels,the Premier Flirt line captures the spirit of the new generation,fashionable,flirtatious and mischievous.Intimately linked to the Parisienne version 2010 and her extravagant style,here is a bag that says independence and personality,for fans of modern mix-and-match.
- Meta-Effect cowhide leather
- Metal buckle on the strap
- Drawstring Detail with Tassels
- Interior Zip Pocket and Slit Pocket
- Logo Embossed Leather Patch and Zipper Pull Inside
Size: 14" x 14" x 7.5"(W36 x H36 x D19.5 CM)
This Fake Lancel Purses Lancel Premier Flirt Handbag comes with:Lancel dust bag.
- Lancel French Flirt Grained Leather off-white 006-4
- Retail price:$202
- Wholesale 5i: $180
- Lancel Premier Flirt Handbag light coffee 001-5
- Retail price:$202
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- Lancel French Flirt Grained Leather white 006
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- Wholesale 5i: $180
- Lancel French Flirt Grained Leather Off-White 010
- Retail price:$202
- Wholesale 5i: $180
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